



文章来源:美国在线健康栏目(AOL Heath) 



    1. 甘薯,代替胡萝卜
    2. 木瓜,代替桔子
    3. 覆盆子,代替草莓
    4. 豆瓣菜,代替芥菜
    5. 甘蓝菜,代替菠菜


  • 红薯中β-胡萝卜素含量是胡萝卜中含量的近两倍。

  • 木瓜中隐黄素含量是桔子中含量的15倍。

  • 覆盆子中糅花酸含量是草莓中的三倍还多。

  • 一杯豆瓣菜中异硫氰酸酯含量相当于四茶匙芥菜。

  • 甘蓝菜中的叶黄素/玉米黄素含量是菠菜中含量的三倍还多。




5 Best Fruits and Veggies You Can Eat - Not the Ones You Think 

By AOL Health Editors Jun 23rd 2010 10:30AM

Categories: Healthy Eating, News

If you want to load up on beta-carotene and other carotenoids that may help fight cancer and heart disease, which do you choose to make for dinner: carrots or sweet potatoes?

More people eat carrots than sweet potatoes, but they may want to rethink that. Why? The most popular fruits and vegetables may not be the healthiest choice you can make.

According to researchers from Nutrilite, making simple swaps--such as sweet potatoes instead of carrots--can provide a bigger nutritional kick because certain fruits and vegetables are far richer in phytonutrients, which may help prevent disease.

The five best fruits and vegetables to eat:

1. Sweet potatoes instead of carrots

2. Papaya instead of oranges

3. Raspberries instead of strawberries

4. Watercress instead of mustard

5. Kale instead of spinach

Why switch?

• Sweet potatoes have nearly twice as much beta-carotene as carrots.

• Papaya has 15 times more beta-cryptoxanthin than oranges.

• Raspberries have three times more ellagic acid than strawberries.

• One cup of watercress contains as much isothiocyanate as four teaspoonfuls of mustard.

• Kale has three times more lutein/zeaxanthin than spinach.

The findings were presented at the Experimental Biology conference in Anaheim, California.

--From the Editors at Netscape



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