











  For the scientists working on the Glister? range of oral health products, basic oral health is anything but simple. After all, they have spent decades developing and refining Glister’s innovative products. 
  The results of their efforts are clear to see – but don’t just take our word for it. Tests conducted by School of Dentistry of the Indiana University show that Glister products excel in every aspect of oral health, offering:

Excellent cavity-fighting and prevention 
Effective plague removal with regular brushing 
Safe, effective cleaning 
Exceptional stain removal to help whiten teeth 
Powerful breath freshening for a confident, healthy smile 
  We’re proud of the science behind the Glister oral care system, but you don’t have to be a scientist to see the results – just take a look in the mirror!


Q: 为何会蛀牙?
How does tooth decay happen? 
A: 进食后没有适当清洁牙齿,是蛀牙的导火线。短短一小时,已足够让牙垢膜细菌把糖份及淀粉质转化为有害的酸性物质,侵蚀珐琅质。24小时内,牙垢膜便会硬化,形成牙石,必需由牙医清除。要预防蛀牙及牙周病,建议你每天使用丽齿健®氟素牙膏,清除积聚于牙龈边缘的牙垢膜,再以丽齿健®浓缩漱口水漱口。
Tooth decay begins when teeth are not cleaned properly after eating. In just one hour, plaque bacteria will start converting sugar and starch particles into harmful acids that attack the tooth enamel. Within 24 hours, plaque can harden to form tartar, which can only be removed by a professional. Help prevent tooth decay and gum disease by cleaning away plaque at the gum line each day using Glister Multi-Action Fluoride Toothpaste and rinsing with Glister Concentrated Mouthwash. 

Q: 甚么是牙垢膜?
What is plaque? 
A: 牙垢膜是由牙齿表面细菌形成的黏膜,会制造酸性物质并侵蚀珐琅质。丽齿健®氟素牙膏能在牙石形成前清除牙垢膜;配合丽齿健®浓缩漱口水使用,更证实比单刷牙更有效减少牙垢膜。
Plaque is the sticky film of bacteria that forms on the teeth and produces acids which dissolve the tooth enamel. Brushing with Glister Multi-Action Fluoride Toothpaste can help to remove plaque before it has time to harden and become tartar. Rinsing with Glister Concentrated Mouthwash has been shown to be more effective in removing plaque than just brushing alone. 

Q: 氟可以防止蛀牙吗?
Does fluoride help prevent cavities? 
A: 可以!氟是一种自然存在的矿物质,能安全有效地巩固珐琅质,防止蛀牙。丽齿健®氟素牙膏亦含有氟这一种成份。每天以丽齿健®氟素牙膏刷牙最少两次,清除牙齿上的食物残渣!
Yes! Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that helps to safely strengthen tooth enamel and prevents cavities. Fluoride is one of the ingredients of Glister Multi-Action Fluoride Toothpaste. Brush at least twice a day with Glister Multi-Action Fluoride Toothpaste to help remove food residue and plaque. 

Q: 丽齿健®氟素牙膏中的SYLODENT?是甚么?
What is the SYLODENT? in Glister Fluoride Toothpaste? 
A: SYLODENT是一种能有效清洁牙齿的亮白剂,能去除牙渍及美白牙齿。微细的SYLODENT洁齿粒子呈多种不同形状,能更全面地去除牙渍,但不损珐琅质,令牙齿更洁白。
SYLODENT is a polishing agent designed to clean and polish teeth effectively and leave a very appealing feel in the mouth. The tiny SYLODENT particles have a combination of flat surfaces, contours and sharp edges, providing an effective and versatile way to clean and reduce stains without damaging enamel. SYLODENT helps eliminate stains to give you brighter, whiter teeth. 


